Yagi M, Yonei Y.
Glycative stress and anti-aging: 10. Glycative stress and liver disease.
Glycative Stress Research 5(4): 177-180, 2018.
Yagi M, Tateiwa Y, Inoue K, Sato Y, Takabe W, Ishizaki K, Yonei Y.
Antiglycative effect of Kaempferia parviflora Wall. Ex. Baker
(Zingiberaceae): Prevention of advanced glycation end product formation.
Glycative Stress Research 5(4): 163-170, 2018.
Yonei Y, Yagi M, Takabe W.
Glycative stress and sleep quality.
Prime: International Journal of Aesthetic & Anti-Ageing Medicine 8(6): 19-23, 2018.
GS18-16 ★Prime 2018-12.PDF
Zhang M, Otake K, Miyauchi Y, Yagi M, Yonei Y, Miyakawa T, Tanokura M.
Comprehensive NMR analysis of two kinds of post-fermented tea and their anti-glycation activities in vitro.
Food Chemistry 277(30): 735-743, 2018.
Yagi M, Takabe W, Wickramasinghe U, Okuda F, Kon M, Fujimura A, Nakamoto H, Takahara J, Yonei Y.
Effect of heat-moisture-treated high-amylose corn starch-containing food on postprandial blood glucose.
Glycative Stress Research 5(3): 151-162, 2018.
http://www.toukastress.jp/webj/article/2018/GS18-12J.pdf (日本語版)
Yagi M, Yonei Y.
Glycative stress and anti-aging: 9. Glycative stress and schizophrenia.
Glycative Stress Research 5(3): 147-150, 2018.
http://www.toukastress.jp/webj/article/2018/GS18-22J.pdf (日本語版)
Morita Y, Takabe W, Yagi M, Okuda F, Kon M, Asada K, Urata T, Yatou H, Maeda H, Yonei Y.
Effect of special insole fitting on walking exercise: An open-label study.
Glycative Stress Research 5(3): 135-146, 2018.
Takabe W, Yamaguchi T, Hayashi H, Sugimura N, Yagi M, Yonei Y.
Identification of antiglycative compounds in Japanese red water pepper (red leaf variant of the Persicaria hydropiper sprout).
Molecules. 23(9): 2018. pii: E2319.
Ebe K, Bando H, Muneta T, Bando M, Yonei Y.
Homeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA) and M Value in Daily Profile of Glucose.
POJ Clin Case Rep 1(1): 1-7, 2018.
Ebe K, Bando H, Muneta T, Bando M, Yonei Y.
Investigation of C-peptide Index for Carbo70 by the severity of diabetic state.
Clin Med Case Rep 2(2): 113, 2018.
Yagi M, Isshiki K, Takabe W, Ishizaki K, Yonei Y.
Measurement of pentosidine in human plasma by the high performance liquid chromatography.
Glycative Stress Research 5(2): 119-128, 2018.
Yagi M, Yonei Y.
Glycative stress and anti-aging: 8. Glycative stress and arteriosclerotic disease.
Glycative Stress Research 5(2): 82-85, 2018.
Ogura M, Okuda F, Hattori A, Takabe W, Yagi M, Yonei Y.
Effect of melatonin intake on postprandial blood glucose in the breakfast.
Glycative Stress Research 5(2): 75-81, 2018.
http://www.toukastress.jp/webj/article/2018/GS18-01J.pdf (日本語版)
Bando H, Ebe K, Manabe T, Bando M, Yonei Y.
Less Carbohydrate Intake Increases Serum Ketone Bodies in Low Carbohydrate Diet.
Endocrinology and Metabolism 2(1): 9, 2018.
Yagi M, Kishimura Y, Okuda F, Ogura M, Ishizaki K, Takabe W, Yonei Y.
Effect of yogurt on postprandial blood glucose after steamed rice intake.
Glycative Stress Research 5(1): 68-74, 2018.
Ogura M, Takabe W, Yagi M, Wakayama S, Yonei Y.
Study for investigation of symptomatic improvement and safety of the ingestion of rooster comb degradation product containing low-molecular hyaluronic acid (INJUV) in individuals with knee and lower back pain; open-label trial with no control group.
Glycative Stress Research 5(1): 55-67, 2018.
Yagi M, Yonei Y.
Glycative stress and anti-aging: 7. Glycative stress and skin aging.
Glycative Stress Research 5(1): 50-54, 2018.
Yamaguchi T, Takabe W, Yagi M, Yonei Y.
Analysis of anti-glycative components in Smallanthus sonchifolius (yacon).
Glycative Stress Research 5(1): 36-44, 2018.
Ogura M, Takabe W, Yagi M, Yonei Y.
Hyaluronic acid and articular cartilage.
Glycative Stress Research 5(1): 12-20, 2018.
Maruki-Uchida H, Morita M, Yonei Y, Sai M.
Effect of passion fruit seed extract rich in piceatannol on the skin of
women: A randomized, placebo- Controlled, double-blind trial.
J Nutr Sci Vitaminol 64(1): 75-80, 2018.
Bando H, Ebe K, Kato Y, Kanazawa S, Tanaka M, Sueki E, Kanagawa H, Kawata T, Kawahito A, Bando M, Yonei Y.
Glucose Profile and HbA1c using Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM): Case Report.
Clin Med Case Rep 2(1): 107, 2018.
Bando H, Ebe K, Muneta T, Bando M, Yonei Y.
Urinary C-Peptide Excretion for Diabetic Treatment in Low Carbohydrate Diet (LCD)
Journal of Obesity and Diabetes 1(1): 13-17, 2018.